Ephemera Links

Centre for Ephemera Studies
The Centre – the first of its kind in the world – is housed in and administered by the Department of Typography & Graphic Communication of the University of Reading. Formal approval for the Centre was granted in 1992, and it was inaugurated by Lord Briggs in May 1993. Asa Briggs, a distinguished social and cultural historian and committed ephemerist, has long been an advocate of the study of ephemera and agreed to become the Centre's first Patron.

The Ephemera Society of America
The Ephemera Society of America, Inc. is a non-profit organization formed in 1980 to cultivate and encourage interest in ephemera and the history identified with it; to further the understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of ephemera by people of all ages, backgrounds, and levels of interest; to promote the personal and institutional collection, preservation, exhibition, and research of ephemeral materials; to serve as a link among collectors, dealers, institutions, and scholars; and to contribute to the cultural life of those who have an interest in our heritage as a nation or a people, both nationally and internationally.

La Vieux Papier
Le Vieux-Papier » est une association qui réunit des particuliers et des institutions intéressés par tous les documents de la vie quotidienne imprimés sur papier, des origines (XVe siècle) à nos jours. Gravures populaires, chromos publicitaires, titres de transport, jeux et jouets en papier, travaux de ville, images religieuses, emballages, éventails sont quelques- uns des thèmes abordés. (The first Society devoted to the study of printed and manuscript ephemera founded in France in 1900).

The printing Historical Society
Founded in London in 1964, The Printing Historical Society now has individual and institutional members worldwide. Still fully committed to its original aims, the Society fosters interest in the history of printing and encourages both the study and the preservation of printing machinery, records, and equipment of historical value.

Ausführliche Linksammlung der britischen Ephemera-Society